Interview 1712 – James Corbett on The End of the World

by | Mar 29, 2022 | Interviews | 31 comments

via The Delingpod: “James catches up with James Corbett and they discuss the psy-ops that we’re all currently experiencing. They talk about the predator class, how we’re all being manipulated into a 1984 state of never ending panic and how those who, two months ago couldn’t point to Ukraine on a map, are suddenly flying blue and yellow flags and screaming for Russian blood. It’s a great episode – enjoy!”


The Delingpod (Support on Patreon)

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  1. The black mine workers in South Africa are either migrants or descendants of people who migrated into that part of the world after the Boer arrived and brought tech like pumps to make the area habitable for people other than the tiny Bushman population there before either group….bushmen were killed off by both groups afaik

    Black people illegally migrated to Apartheid South Africa for work and are still coming there today despite its many problems.

    The only slavery that I know of taking place in South Africa after the East India Compa y days was done by (later US president) Herbert Hoover, who did not pay his Chinese migrant workers and was in court in the UK over it.

  2. RM does a great job on the latest in what is happening on the World Money situation. (see link)

    Note that India is trading with Russia for Oil in Rubles and they got a 20% discount for using Rubles. Also Saudi Arabia is talking with China about trading Oil for Yuan which would mean the End of the Petrodollar (a major world wide shock). RM also says that the Saudi King refused to take a call from Biden.
    Indeed, this is getting crazy. The times, they are, a changing.

  3. Indeed, the bad guys can’t beat you if you never give up.
    Or, as RFK Jr. puts it, “There are worse things than being killed by the bad guys”. I guess when he says he plans on dying “with his boots on”, he is implying that he means to keep his Soul in tact.

    There is much good in this world, however when things look real bad and you cannot see light, then there is the vision of the next world that can give you hope when there appears to be none. And, who is to say if the next world is real or not, for we have no way of verifying life after death, or at least not in a scientifically provable sense.

    If I have read “Lord of the Rings”, it was over 50 years ago, however I do recall much of the Movie version, and it had an impact on me.
    So, I ask the Philosophical Question; What inspires a man to create such an outstanding work of Art, and I think I see a connection between such people and another world which those who have lost their soul will never see.

    By the way, the James Corbett Interview with RFK Jr. may be the highlight of his career. We are talking about one on one communication with a world class major player on the side of good, and he compliments James on his good work. This should touch your soul James, as it was meant to.

  4. James Corbett.

    “The greatest allie of mankind”

    I nominate this gentleman for
    The humanitarian of Aeons
    (If there was such an award)

    Respectfully & truthfully,
    Matthew Stephen Hall

  5. Really enjoyed this discussion. Still err on the side of the cock-up theory (as opposed to the illuminati-it’s-a-plot one which you two seem to prefer).

    I do however like the idea that systems (banks, lawyers, bureaucracies etc) automatically tend to recruit like minded new bodies, which leads to groupthink, steady-as-we-go policies and behaviours. So now we are stuck, and something has to give.

    And finally, yes, the answer is always yes. If it wasn’t, we wouldn’t be here.

  6. Of all the wonderful things I’ve learned about and from you, James, you’ve just revealed one of the best – that you’re from a Geordie family! ? A lot of down-to-earth common sense in this part of the world (or there used to be before the mass hypnosis). Thrilled to bits, because you’re a canny bloke.

  7. Unfortunately unlike the above commenter I didn’t enjoy this interview.

    No criticism of James as he was the outstanding person who actually challenged Delingpole when he was talking crap about being unable to talk to normies. You can tell James has genuine intelligence and beliefs.

    Delingpole on the other hand was terrible. His style of asking a question, listening to the answer, and then agreeing and following it up with the same statement in a less cohearant manner is very annoying. Did be bring anything to the table? No. I don’t think so.

    It makes you question Delingpole’s genuineness. Does he believe in the cause, as James does, or is he just pissed that he can’t hunt with his mates?

    • Jacob
      “…makes you question Delingpole’s genuineness…”

      Not really, he is the English version of a well off hipster and this is kinda a big leap for him out of the overton window of acceptable ideas.

      Don’t you recall those weird times just after you realized that the model of the world you navigated with is a lie?

  8. It almost seems as though we are doing zoomies through the second seal and rounding the corner to the third one.
    It will get worse, way worse, and downright horrible.

    But the ending will indeed be happy.

    • Ledhrad
      I believe he is non religious.

      I would caution you that while it certainly looks like it’s coming time you can never be sure since the forces of evil tend to work on repeating patterns, or waves…? The enemy plays a long game and waits for us to get tired.

      Take care 🙂

    • So much butt cheek imagery…. you should stick to checking facts instead 😉

    • “People” have hijacked the Bible and weaponized it just like everything else good in this world. The Bible tells me to not fear. Repeatedly. There is no “terror based mind control.” Free will is how God rolls.

      I have a relationship, not a religion, so there are no middle men telling me what to think. Just the gentle guidance of The Holy Spirit, which I can tell you without hesitation exists and loves us all.

      All of the things that James warns us about is the beast system and pure evil. When Christianity is persecuted by the elites, will you be okay with that? Whether or not James is a religious man, he is still on the side of good and truth. The side that wins in the end.

      I pray one day you see the truth and not whatever has scared you away.

    • In Interview 1715(New world next week) James said:

      “The death of any sinner is a tragedy” when talking about Albright.

      It’s at about the 26 minute mark.

      That would indicate that he does have a spiritual side but he probably views religion as a personal matter and keeps it out of the secular matters he reports on.

    • From there website:

      “RAIDATech is publicly traded and creates its own digital currencies. Our patents and technologies could be sold for billions after development.”


      • from their website, “CBDCs made simple and secure”.

    • Great catch, thank you for sharing. Looks like you are right on the literal money.

  9. If an i9/11 is on the horizon, one of the first targets will be DNS (Domain Name Service). Since that service resolves to point to, it might just be a good service to both the viewer and the site owner to have this information prominently posted on the site with encouragement to copy it to a safe place. This will take DNS blocking out of the equation. For those new to this concept, copy and past into your browser.

    • Good shout.

      Building a custom hosts file with all your favourite and useful websites would be a good idea.

  10. Not my favourite Corbett Report interview. I felt that Delingpole was trying to imply JC was onside with a number of his views, which I’m not sure JC was comfortable with. Additionally Delingpole seemed to be more interested in making money than discussing the purpose or uses of cryptos. JC and JD are on different levels.

  11. James, wonderful stuff you are saying— it is impossible to overstate how serious, and how immediate the future of freedom is in peril. The other James was not able to acknowledge your point. Here in the USA, most people see the strife as business as usual, and watch the oscars show. This is even more than the fall of the Roman Empire, but alas, the world population, led by us Americanos, are more interested in watching than doing. A miracle might not be enough, and we do not have any miracles up our sleeve. Me, in own spiritual dilemma, will expect the spirit of life and willpower to prevail, though there is no material reason for such unbridled optimism. If I didn’t believe what I just said, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. There is no “I give up” in me. Keep spreading it around.

  12. I really enjoyed this conversation. Keep up the great work, you are the best!

  13. James, you are awesome. mahalo nui

  14. I was shocked when I watched some of the videos on James Corbett’s LINK:
    New Ukrainian Trend: Tying People to Trees. Flogging and Undressing Them.

    BUMP this link if you have not seen it.

  15. 34Minutes, 20Seconds. “Against?” ‘WITH!” THAT’S what I have thought my whole life. I never for a second believed the “enemy” Russia.

  16. Switched him off as soon as he mentioned enjoying fox hunting. Not relatable.

    • Did he also mention having shares in Lockheed Martin? We are watching a discussion on Lockheed Martin and are having recollections of him saying this… wondering if it’s a fake memory but not prepared to listen to him again to confirm or deny… I’m British and I don’t know anyone like him, he’s not representative of people I know in the uk, on the left, right or neither. I mean what sort of person goes fox hunting? It’s just an old fashioned old money idea as well as being hideously cruel and unnecessary, it also seems ritualistic.

  17. I like how James keeps talking about the predatory class but the only thing he wants to fight for is fox hunting, the sport of the predatory class. They are the ones who can afford horses, hounds and land to hunt on.
    People who need food get arrested for poaching

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