How You Can Help The Corbett Report

by | Feb 28, 2017 | Videos | 9 comments

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Ask not what The Corbett Report can do for you, ask what you can do for The Corbett Report? Well, not exactly. Today James thanks you for your offers of support, gives some pointers for would-be translators, and stresses that the most important way to help The Corbett Report is to help spread the information itself.

Corbett Report member Bart Houkes explains how to make an .srt file


  1. Spreading information in theory sure sounds nice, with a few caveats.

    1. people I know in real life don’t understand this shit. At best, they have disconnected themselves from the news streams. At worse, they’re taking the bate, hook, line and sinker. Most are somewhere in the middle.
    They only way I can help these people would be to take a big sledgehammer, go to their homes and smash their TV sets. Not sure how far would I get with that.

    2. general people on the internet (on various sites where from time to time I try to incentivize some people into thinking) are prone to handing insults on whichever basis (assuming they are not a payed shill n which case they’re just doing their job) and there’s quite a lot of censorship going on as well.
    Just as an example, lately there was an article on Smithsonian about the ill fate of Jews in Croatia blah blah blah Jewish remembrance day blah blah which was parroted by the local media. In the comments section on the Smithsonian a typical discussion charged with nationalism was taking place. Since lately there has been quite a lot of saber rattling from “representatives” on all sides in the Balkans cauldron, I wrote an arguably peace seeking comment, pleaded with people to not let themselves being coaxed yet again into this bullshit and posted a link to the “Yugoslavia: the avoidable war” documentary. Haven’t used any profanity nor referenced Jews, Zionists or Israel. The comment was automatically flagged and later deleted before being made public. Peace isn’t a good business.

  2. One thing I’d like to suggest is that you should look into providing a more functional forum feature for this site. I don’t know much about wordpress, but I’m pretty sure there’s a plugin for stuff like that.

    What I had in mind was to have a new thread started (automagically) for each article in the articles/videos/etc section and to have more sections where people could start their threads/discussions. Starting a forum site somewhere is very trivial indeed, however it wouldn’t be well integrated with the rest of your site.

    I think this would be beneficial for discussions among members and yourself. If you’re in the least interested in such a feature for your site, I’m willing to start a wordpress site somewhere and investigate how much work would be required to make something like that happen. Doable certainly, exact mileage may vary.

  3. I don’t agree with everything you say here, but man you got some good interesting documented info here at the corbettreport. If only the mainstream news personalities would be so resourceful as you and as open minded, instead they waste their time on twitter, but alas, at least we have you.

    So Thank >>>You<<< James! For all that you do.

    • BTW, my renewal should be soon, is this done automatically? Will I get a notice in my email?

      • I have to send out reminders manually and I’m a couple of months behind at the moment. Your subscription technically ended last week so if you want to renew, now would be a good time!

  4. こちらこそ有り難うございました!

  5. Oh, how I wish watching Tropa de elite several dozen times made me a fluent Portuguese speaker but alas lol

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