The Dumbest Propaganda Video Ever – #PropagandaWatch

by | Jul 3, 2019 | Propaganda Watch, Videos | 24 comments

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TechDirt is claiming that the EU’s Intellectual Property Office has just released the dumbest propaganda video ever: “IPDENTICAL: imagine a world without creativity.” So is it really that bad? Let’s roll up our sleeves and find out.

EU Intellectual Property Office Produces Dumbest Propaganda Film Ever, Pretending Without IP There Is No Creativity

IPDENTICAL: Imagine a world without creativity

How Intellectual Property Hampers Capitalism | Stephan Kinsella

Yet Another Study Finds Patents Do Not Encourage Innovation

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International


  1. The other day, prior to Corbett posting “The Dumbest Propaganda Video Ever – #PropagandaWatch”, I had watched the Film, (or rather skipped through segments).

    With this Corbett video…
    Following “many minutes later”, at the 1:25 mark, I got a big belly laugh with the expression on Corbett’s face. That was a great punch line.

    • I just want to mention that I am on my way to getting very, very, very rich.

      I am in the process of Copyrighting and also Trademarking all the words in the English dictionary, including idioms and slang.
      Of course, it is taking a lot of upfront money for attorneys, and especially bribes & kickback agreements with officials.

      But someday, everyone will need to pay a royalty to use any word.
      I’ll be a rich country Texan.

      When I am rich, I’ll probably buy Google and Amazon.
      But one of the first things I am gonna buy when I am rich, is a new sofa for the front yard of my trailer house out here in the country. The dog and I are getting tired of the torn cushions, which sometimes are soggy in the morning during my beer breakfast.

      After English, I’ll probably copyright & trademark other languages.
      But not China.
      Those guys are kind of flippant about patents and trademarks and copyrights.
      I wonder if that is part of the reason their economy rose so rapidly?

  2. Yet another great piece from JC and yet another piece of stupid propaganda from the EU. In my opinion the EU is ‘officially stupid.’ Something beautifully encapsulated by their draconian Copyright Directive diktat:

    It isn’t stupid from a globalist Technocrat point of view. The shutting down of free speech and control of all information on the HTTP Internet is a great idea from their perspective. The UK government are going even further as they intend to fully regulate the Internet in the UK as a genuine dictatorship is rolled out.

    I think it is stupid because it won’t work.

    All it will do is annoy people to the extent that they will clamour for alternatives. With Their Copyright directives, crazy utilitarian view of intellectual property and insistence upon the state control of everything they have just started a technological arms race with 750 million people.

    If they fear losing control of the narrative now I think they have just put the nail in the EU propaganda coffin. When the vast majority of citizens start to feel the effect of this censorship grid I believe (I hope) the technological and innovative backlash will fundamentally change the way people access information, both on and offline.

    The state apparatus has already lost control of the narrative and this dictatorial legislation won’t stop that process. Unfortunately, what we have now, needs to be taken away first.

    • ‘…The state apparatus has already lost control of the narrative and this dictatorial legislation won’t stop that process. Unfortunately, what we have now, needs to be taken away first…’

      What % of people care about freedom?
      until people see that loosing their freedom will always end up turning them dirt poor most dont care- just look at china, as long as they are mostly unmolested by the gov and have a decent income its no issue that some people get their organs cut out and sold or locked up in camps.
      The clamp down on the net most likely means that something bad is going to impact the real, economic world, most people care about and they need to scapegoat someone for it and redirect all the angry people in the ‘right’ direction

      • “….What % of people care about freedom?”

        Maybe between 10 – 20%:

        I agree most people will never resist, as long as their living standards are maintained. Even if standards fall most will still look to the state for protection. But, if you consider the number of people today who are seeking and developing genuine decentralised solutions, I believe harsher censorship will increase that number significantly. If for no other reason than increased demand.

        Yep, the censorship will enable a lot of ‘something bad.’ Control of the narrative is the purpose.

  3. A dystopian world without IP? What, like the Renaissance? Or any other time before the Berne Convention in 1886? Indeed. How drab was the art of Bach, Shakespeare, Dostoevsky, Goethe, or Caravaggio, to name a handful.

    • Johnathan
      to be fair I read once that in Shakespeares time the actors got strips with their lines and no one ever got to see the whole play because they thought it would get stolen and played by other troopes…. I also read the Vatican had its own special piece of music they wanted to keep for themselves no one else could get the score for until Mozart listened to it one time then just wrote it out…lol
      We allegedly only got Shakespeare because his bud’s published his work after he died

      • Duck: fine. My point is that IP laws weren’t necessary for art to be created, which is what the EU film is saying.

  4. 5 years ago I paid handsomely for a few conversations with a lawyer because I had been developing software tools that significantly and substantially outperform engineers. Consistent with the decades of mainstream conditioning to which I had been subjected, I was concerned that somebody (likely the company that employed me) would steal my ideas.

    Rather than greed, it was FEAR that motivated me. Fear of losing creative control of my dream.

    (The Company I worked for made us sign a contract that suggested any ideas we may come up with while in their employ were the Intellectual Property of the Company. The Company had told me NOT to pursue this creative avenue on Company time as they did not believe in my vision. It was developed on my time and, low and behold, it worked.)

    Everybody I speak to about my better mousetrap suggests I’m irresponsibles not to protect my Intellectual Property; in fact, it’s the first thought that comes to their minds. For them, it is a given that my Company will eventually stab me in the back.

    Rather than being exclusive, I have chosen instead to be inclusive. I have been including the opinions, desires, wishes and creative perspectives of anybody who takes an interest in what I’m developing. This approach encourages rather than stifles the development and expansion of my vision…which is my goal. If money was the goal, I would be encouraged to construct walls to define what is MINE.

    Our paranoid culture encourages the construction of little I.P. empires surrounded by high protective walls. These prisons bidirectionally guard against the spread of creativity.

  5. The Brazilian in me got little bit triggered by the “mises institute” in the back. Lots of the new totally CIA controlled government members use a jargon phrase “less marx, more misses” as a way to simple solve and sell government assets necessary for the society as a whole, to the deep state.

    I know that you are for Statis James (neither do I sometimes, somehow) but that “neoliberal” agenda IS NOT the way to do it.

    Anyhow another grate post keep the amazing job man

    • 😉
      I’m grinning.

    • The media, and some academic claims, that Mises’ libertarian Austrian economics are ‘neoliberal’ isn’t accurate in my view.

      Implicit to libertarian (Austrian) economic view is that trade and productivity flourish in the absence of a state. Neoliberalism talks about free markets but maintains state control of those markets via intergovernmental policy oversight (World Banks, IMF etc.)

      In effect the term neoliberalism is misused as it isn’t really ‘liberal’ at all.

  6. Whaaaaaat? (James’ facial expression here) Agree. Ridiculous and nonsensical. I wonder what the EU office was trying to accomplish in making the video? Assume they hired-out the work. If so, I’d ask for their money back.

  7. This vid will get a strike on YTube for copyright violation showing those clips….. lol

  8. Interesting timing with the Lagarde thing.

  9. Sounds like school which Anthony Sutton says is aimed at submission and control. Why not? School repression, force and obediance works on most people – crushing out all the individuality and creativity.

    Same clothes, same song, same activity sitting at a desk listening and dreaming. Having to get permission to leave the room or speak. Even with a “nice” or “entertaining” teacher, he or she is still in control. Because it happens as we grow, we assume that authorities are right and dont learn to do our own thinking and negotiating. We are seeing this in huge groups of protesters who have no idea how to achieve what they think they want.

    • irene
      the teacher is not the real problem… they make kids work in groups so they never stand or fall on their own work and people who grew up in daycare already have a weaker sense of self anyway which is why we have so many narcissists these days who think they will literally die if the group turns on them

  10. Absolutely. Laws are set up for revenue, and if you “offend” you are entered into the “justice system” where they stack charges and milk you relentlessly. Late fees, etcetera. But laws are also intended to keep the public under control. Above the dotted line our esteemed rulers are immune to laws unless they become an embarrassment or piss off the wrong people. Then the “law” applies. It’s just a power maintenance mechanism.

    As far as making things legal, like marijuana or whatever, that will only be done when the corporations have set up their profit scheme. Then they are all on board. Their puppets will take care of it. Give them crumbs. Tolerant oppression.

  11. It is almost a given that whatever the ‘authorities’ proscribe the people need to head in the opposite direction….”The world is a criminal enterprise Mr. Beale, er Mr. Corbett, and you have stumbled into the midst of it and have exposed it for which the forces of the New World Economic Order will attempt to make you a tone.”

  12. This topic is one I’ve not delved into, but a couple years ago during a long drive I heard an interesting episode of TED Radio Hour, a compilation of various speakers on a common topic, this one asking, “What is Original? When is copying flattery, when is it thievery, and when is it sheer genius?”. I include a portion of a transcript featuring Kirby Ferguson regarding Bob Dylan and Led Zepplin:

    FERGUSON: Now, there’s a lot of these. It’s been estimated that two-thirds of melodies Dylan used in his early songs were borrowed.

    RAZ: So I’m hearing all of these Bob Dylan things, right? And, like, it’s hard for me to say because we’re talking about Bob Dylan. But he stole all of this stuff. If this happened today with Twitter, like within seconds of the release of his record he would be hammered.

    FERGUSON: He would be, yeah. I mean, it was a different era, he was a folk musician and the idea back then was not that you came up with original songs. The idea was you took the songs that came before you and you did new things with them, you know. You would write new lyrics to existing melody or vice versa. You contributed to this body of folk music. That was the idea back then. So he wasn’t unusual in what he was doing. He was doing what they do in folk music.

    RAZ: And this happens all the time in all kinds of music. So take Led Zeppelin for example, who used to listen to another band called Spirit.

    FERGUSON: And Spirit were, you know, they haven’t really stood the test of time, but they were a reasonably well-known band in the ’60s and Zeppelin toured with them.

    RAZ: Which could be why this song is not “Stairway To Heaven.” It’s called “Taurus.” And it came out two years earlier. They basically ripped off “Taurus.”

    FERGUSON: Yeah, they sound a lot a like. And it does sound like the opening of “Stairway To Heaven” is fairly difficult to distinguish from that segment of “Taurus.”

    The artist who composed that intro riff to “Stairway to Heaven” was never credited nor compensated, and I think that’s very wrong.

    And earlier today, I listened to Lawrence Lessig’s TED talk on Laws that choke creativity. Lots of good points made.

    This isn’t an easy, either/or matter, and like Alexandre, I struggle with it.

    • Very interesting info Pearl. Thanks.

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