Results for "#solutionswatch"

How To Defeat BlackRock – #SolutionsWatch

How To Defeat BlackRock – #SolutionsWatch

After watching How BlackRock Conquered the World, we know all about the problem: a financial behemoth is flexing its monetary muscle to shape society in its image. So what's the solution? Boycotts? Buycotts? Can we strive for something different, or are we condemned...

White Rose Mucho Grande – #SolutionsWatch

White Rose Mucho Grande – #SolutionsWatch

Etienne de la Boetie², author of Government — The Biggest Scam in History, and Kenny Palurintano of the White Rose join us to discuss their new project: White Rose Mucho Grande! Featuring highly thought-provoking visualizations of such convoluted topics of media...

Take Back Our Tech – #SolutionsWatch

Take Back Our Tech – #SolutionsWatch

Ramiro Romani of and joins us today to discuss technology: what it is, how it works, and how we can make it work for us. We discuss how governments and big tech corporations are collaborating to undermine our rights to privacy, free...


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