Results for "malthus"

Episode 427 – Remembering Tim Ball

Episode 427 – Remembering Tim Ball

Today on the program James celebrates the life and work of Dr. Tim Ball, a man who devoted his retirement years to fighting the good fight against the agents of the climate scam and the green enslavement agenda. His fearless truth-telling in the face of so much...

We’re All Dutch Farmers Now

For weeks now, farmers in the Netherlands have been engaging in fierce protests over their government's plan to halve the country's nitrogen and ammonia pollution by 2030. It is estimated that this plan—which will mandate emissions cuts of 95% in some provinces—will...

Absolute Zero: The Global Agenda Revealed

As anyone who's been paying attention will know, Imperial College London played a key role in providing the justification for the scamdemic hysteria and Oxford University played a key role in providing the "solution" to that problem. Specifically, as you'll recall...

Interview 1632 – James Corbett on Unregistered

Interview 1632 – James Corbett on Unregistered

via The Unregistered Podcast: I was joined by James Corbett of The Corbett Report, which was just taken down from Youtube, to discuss open vs. closed conspiracies, the history of eugenics and other forms of social engineering, the ideology of scientism, and the...

Mouse Utopia and The Blackest Pill (video)

Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube You've probably heard about John B. Calhoun's mouse utopia experiment by now. Everyone's been talking about it recently. But what does this experiment really tell us about the human experience, and can we avoid...


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