Interview 1479 – Catherine Austin Fitts Explains the Financial Coup D’état

by | Sep 18, 2019 | Interviews | 18 comments

Catherine Austin Fitts has been following the story of the black budget, the missing trillions, and the back door in the US Treasury for decades. Now, her tireless work on this subject has been published in a comprehensive report from, “The Real Game of Missing Money” Volumes 1 and 2. Today James Corbett talks to Fitts about FASAB 56, the missing trillions and the financial coup d’état which has liquidated the wealth of the United States and shipped it out the back door.

Watch this video on BitChute / DTube / YouTube or Download the mp4

Interview 1407 – Mark Skidmore on the Pentagon’s Missing Trillions

FASAB Statement 56: Understanding New Government Financial Accounting Loopholes

Caveat Emptor: Why Investors Need to Do Due Diligence on U.S. Treasury and Related Securities

9/11 Trillions


  1. Alexandre, you make a good question in comparison of the two oricles views. Two Casandras wailing away a song of warning, yet no one listens. This question shows an artists abstraction of thought. I put it to you in much the same form of question, but different topic. Say music, how would we coordinate the grunge music of Nine Inch Nails and country music artist Johnny Cash. Well fortunately it has been done. Now it needs to happen between the very intelligent Catherine and Patrick so we move beyond hypothetical.
    As far as hypothetical goes into abstract. I propose Catherine can be found in the pews of the church with all the lay persons, speaking with authority to the pulpit and the inter chamber. Woods on the other hand is in the pulpit speaking with authority to the congregation. They may be geniuses but only ones is cut from the fabric of compassion , tolerance and love for the common pions. Will either one slay dragons to achieve equilibrium? Its a good metric for establishing ones camp. Abstract questions are jazz to noise as your lovers song is to music. What doesn’t run on money.?

  2. One issue I have always had with the views of Catherine on this subject is as follows.

    If the government / banks / ‘powers that should not be’ can produce money at will with the press of a button, then why resort to accounting shenanigans to squirrel money away? Print and steal would surely be far more easier?

    If I have missed something obvious then not only will I not be surprised, but would love to have it pointed out.

    • Well I’m far from being an expert on the subject but my understanding is that the money is produced (Well actually stolen from the existing holders of the currency) at the point when it is loaned out.

      Even though the banks may be free to loan out the money, at least officially there would need to be a record of who the money is loaned to. Easy to fake I know, but I guess this is the process in which the faking occurs.

      There also needs to be a level of obfuscation in the government so that your average shit kicking government employee can go home at night and not know that they are evil people!

      • Calibrator; just as an anecdotal witness story to support what you have said. I play golf 2 times a week north of the city I live in. Outdoors 4 to 5 hours. The two courses I golf at are 2 miles from a Industrial Military Shooting range for civilians and city , county police, sheriffs , 3 tribal police, and federal marshals, Army , Air Force and TSA who contract with the private corporate range.
        Ok , today it was all crazy on the gun range. 60 cal., 50s 706, 45s and small arms, all, and people need to know this , all fully automatic. Yes there was constant single target shooting too. It was Louder than the Camp Gruber weekend weapons training we were subjected to next to the State Park we camped at last year.
        I was, all round, all morning, contemplating who and why they would be training with full auto weapons. Training for War or God forbid they unleash that on civilians carrying .410 bird guns. It was so loud and varied it couldn’t be ignored.
        Disturbing to me the whole round, the thought of how disconnected the gunfire was from me. Just can’t shrink that divided between them and us. We pay for them to practice, what or why is a secrete. They were practicing all morning and afternoon.

        • Too bad the driving range is not 200 yards behind them.

    • Octium is correct. There are rules to traverse even for thieves. The rules can be bent but not broken. Money laws interface intimately with public domain. Consequently, when theft becomes too obvious the elites can get themselves into trouble and must dig-out via favors from other elites who govern. As well, depending on their status in the elitist realm, any cock-up can put them in a position of being used for a fall guy so others can advance their status, position, wealth and ultimately their power over other elites through their mistakes, if desired. There truly is no honour among thieves.

  3. The website contains all kinds of information.

    This “Solari Report Feed” piece quickly grabbed my attention Hero of the Week: September 19, 2019 – Robert Kennedy, Jr..
    The linked Wikipedia article is packed with information.

    I am a strong admirer of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
    I don’t agree with everything he advocates,(for example, we differ on our views about climate change), but I’ll stand by his intentions and many actions to make a better world.

    Activist Post had this article on September 17th, 2019.
    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Claims to Know Who Really Killed His Father and is Out to Prove It

    The article discusses “…former Lockheed Aircraft employee and alleged former CIA operative, Thane Eugene Cesar.”
    Thane Eugene Cesar evidently died on September 11, 2019 according to the image on Robert F. Kennedy’s Instagram.

    James Corbett has discussed Sirhan Sirhan repeatedly.
    And one of Sirhan Sirhan’s attorneys is William F. Pepper. Corbett Report has an incredible historical record regarding William F. Pepper (another hero of mine).
    If you have never seen Episode 334 – Truth At Last: The Assassination of Martin Luther King, this one is a definite 5 STAR rating.

  4. #1 DITTO
    #2 DITTO — CAF has always amazed me with her hopeful attitiude that government can be fixed, as if the animal was just broken and needed a missing part. In a governing system where money is a tool of slavery? NO. It’s not broken. It works exactly as planned. An insider once told me that if he had to work for either the Mafia or the US government he’d choose the Mafia every time. He said, “They have ethics; the government does not.”

    (Don’t know if you saw Patrick Wood’s recent interview with CAF but it’s on his site. It was posted this summer.)

  5. EXCELLENT. Good job CAF and James.

    If CAF wants the distribution of the Solari end-of-year missing trillions money report to be in everyone’s hands, as it appears from her statement, why do we have to search out a subscriber?

    CAF–Just put the item on a splash page that can be accessed by the public for purchase on-line. Then, anyone can do their due diligence or just be better informed. (I realize you’ve had enormous and expensive problems with your site because of digital attacks. If that is the reason the report is not being offered in a one-time splash page purchase for non-subscribers, I certainly understand. However, it would nice to purchase it.)

  6. “Catherine Austin Fitts Explains the Financial Coup D’état”
    QUEUED VIDEO (19 minutes 6 seconds)
    Catherine Austin Fitts: ”…and what you realize is:
    It’s this very mechanism of pumping in secret money into U.S. corporations that has been driving the U.S. Stock Market higher. Now, if I am an institutional investor and I am looking at that, the question is: “How long can the game last?”
    And if you look at what is behind this…treasury market, in terms of credit and credit analysis…we are levitating on a very big bubble….”

    Then James Corbett teases this out.
    And we learn about the Standard & Poor rating and downgrade of the U.S. Treasury…and what happened to them for speaking out.

    I have a problem. I am severely handicapped. I have FADD.
    I have what is known as “Financial Attention Deficit Disorder”.
    I don’t speak the lingo.
    I know only a few words and phrases, enough to get me in trouble when I travel around the land of Wall Street, because I don’t grasp everything.
    There are so many words, and many contain significances which are beyond me.
    The mass between my ears fogs up, straining every muscle, until it cramps.
    Sometimes, I feel like I am missing out on the joke’s punch line as if I am in a foreign country listening to everyone at the bar telling jokes in a language of which I am not familiar.

    The pundits talk about bonds, treasuries, currency swaps, equities, repo market, securities, etc.
    I have nebulous concepts about these things.
    Often, I catch the drift. I know that pension funds are in deep…a house of cards with no substance underlying the massive inflows. Insurance companies and healthcare are in deep as well.

    I very much appreciate this Corbett Report Episode 1479 “Catherine Austin Fitts Explains the Financial Coup D’état”.
    I got a lot out of it.
    I wanted this type of interview. It is extremely important, especially with this current global financial scene.
    But I think I might not have grasped all the nuances and implications.
    As an aside: Today, Wednesday, September 18, 2019, the Federal Reserve lowered interest rates 25 basis points. The marketplace goes weird on this kind of thing.

    Another aside: These Financial Rating Service companies, like S&P, can make or break an entity’s bottom line. When I had some of my companies, being listed with Dunn & Bradstreet sure made a difference.

    • So this week, the financial buzz news was about Repo Rates.
      I tried to read some of the definitions, but felt like I missed the nuances.

      Jason Burack gives a 7 minute (plus) overview of the Repo Rates.
      Repo Madness?! The Fed Injects $128 Billion In Emergency Liquidity To Banks In 48 Hours!

      In light of this Catherine Fitts interview, we really don’t know what amount of money is going where.

  7. In Australia all the money belongs to the Queen of England. Her face is on it so I guess it’s hers. All the coins and notes are her toys and she lets us play with her toys. All said and done she can ask for us to give it back at any time and she doesn’t have to tell us what she has done with it.
    Should we as ordinary workers make our own money and not care about what the kings and queens and governments do with theirs?

    • Yes, you should, absolutely. Get some nice body armor to go along with the new currency.

      • No can do, Tatars eat too much beef, just imagine all the extra CO2. I’d go the Filipino route. In absence of space weapons, nuclear weaponry is a good option, too.

  8. Provide away. Or, maybe better stated, provide at free will.

  9. Given the scope and seriousness of the topic, was disappointed only a half an hour was devoted to same.

  10. Governments are corporations first. If you can accept this reality, then the criminality portion makes more sense. Search information on “Corporation Nation” for details about the “how” and “why”.

  11. Matt Tiabbi wrote a very informative article last January in Rolling Stone Magazine about FASAB’s new guidance “SFFAS 56 – CLASSIFIED ACTIVITIES”. He references Fitts’ grave concern over it.

    In the show notes above, James includes interview 1407 featuring Professor Mark Skidmore discussing his quest to find out anything he could about the missing and unaccounted for Pentagon trillions. Sadly, he, the good professor, and at least another researcher were completely stonewalled, and found out nothing. No what, no how, and no where. Nothing.

    Near the end of the present interview, James asks of Fitts a very pertinent question. It’s akin to the proverbial $64,000 question, but, of course, in this particular case it’s the $21,000,000,000,000 question. It’s the obvious question: WHERE did the money go?

    Well, folks, Professor Mark Skidmore couldn’t find out no matter how hard he tried, but, if you’d like to find out, dear listener, you’re going to have to subscribe to I suppose, Ms. Fitts’ website, and download the pdf file that will give you the answer to where all that missing money in that big black box went!

    I wish, instead of hawking her latest publications, accessible through subscription only (which practically seems to have been nearly the entire raison d’etre for the this interview), James could have gone beyond framing the next interview with solving the mystery, and simply spent the last seven minutes remaining getting the answer to it!

    ….Until the twain shall meet again, I guess!

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