Interview 1333 – Benny Wills Creates Conscious Poetry

by | Dec 13, 2017 | Interviews | 7 comments

Benny Wills (aka one of the collaborators behind the JoyCamp “conscious comedy” group) joins us today to discuss the next step in his evolution as a creative human being: poetry! We talk about his new video/poem “Bill Lost His Memory” and what it means for the future of Benny and JoyCamp.

Interview 1009 – Benny Wills Introduces the Joy Camp

JoyCamp YouTube page

Benny Wills From JoyCamp, An Introduction

Bill Lost His Memory

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  1. For what it’s worth, that was a very well done video, both the content and presentation are great. I think it really has that potential to summon a cogent, independent thought and hopefully it will go viral.

    • I have the same thoughts.
      It moved me. I welled up. A high aesthetic wavelength of communication.

  2. manbearpig and john.o
    You guys are fun!

  3. Old Tom don’t despair
    Its sand in the air
    No tear in the eye
    For the guy was so rye
    Well not up ,old Tom
    he sings for his sup
    Tis his regular ware
    Me thinks if you try
    You too would be fair

  4. I am not a poet
    and I really know it.
    But again
    with a grin
    I toast to the writers!

  5. Merry and a mercy Christmas to Tex! and all the Corbeteers!
    We must celebrate ! Net Neutrality is here!

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