Interview 1284 – James Corbett on How the “Alt” Media Got Trumped

by | Jul 7, 2017 | Interviews | 58 comments

Another November has come and gone and as the (s)election fallout has cleared we have seen the exact same swamp dwellers steering the ship of state (aka the USA Titanic) in the exact same way as always. So why did the supposedly “alternative” and “independent” online media fall hook, line and sinker for yet another political parlor game? And what does this teach us about how to avoid falling for the same old political nonsense in the future? James Corbett joins Vinny Eastwood on the Vinny Eastwood Show to discuss these topics and the state of the independent media.


First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy


  1. Vinny Eastwood, can I offer a piece of constructive criticism that your laughter is a little bit too strong. I apologize for saying that because an honest voice is always more important than “style points”. But I raise that issue because I feel like it might detract from your message.

    One other point too is that I almost found it odd that you talked about Dubya stealing the election from Al Gore. Maybe I’m looking too deeply into that but I get the impression you believe it would’ve made a difference in the grand scheme of things. Personally, I think they were both part of the machine and this country would’ve gone down the same path regardless of whether or not Gore had won.

    • Probably derived from the notion that the whole thing is a monolith.

      Personally, I think it’s more akin to late 19th century America, where the industrial titans would war with each other for control of the nation’s wealth, resources, and machinery of governance, but would band together to crush outside groups from gaining a foothold to challenge their hegemon, most vividly expressed in the labor movement of the time.

    • Interesting point. Then again, in 2004, Dubya pulled the “Swift Boat Veterans For Truth” tactic ( against John Kerry. Meanwhile both were in Skull and Bones. Tim Russert actually asked both about it (in separate interviews) and they both pretty much avoided the topic.

      As for Bush/Gore, I do think Gore would’ve almost certainly pushed the Global Warming agenda had he if elected. That’s why I don’t think things would’ve been all that different. However, it probably is a legit question to ask if 9/11 would’ve gone down had Gore gotten elected. Like for example, (from what I understand) Marvin Bush was in charge of security at the WTC.

      In short, I don’t have a great answer for you but I think we all know something definitely doesn’t smell right.

  2. In my opinion, there are two main factions of media: MainStream and Alternative.
    The Mainstream Media is basically 5 corporations. Their slant could be hard to control for a Presidential candidate (unless you are Hillary or Obama).

    The Alternative Media actually holds tremendous influence in this era. My guess is that about 20% of the population sometimes visit the Alternative Media.
    (The MainStreamMedia will never tell us what the real polls say about this aspect.)

    When Trump captured the hearts of many in the Alternative Media, he got some heavy milage for the campaign. I think that the Trump campaign recognized the value of the power of Alternative Media. I believe that the Trump campaign “recruited” the Alternative Media.
    We do know for sure that Hillary would never be able to use the Alternative Media. She only had the MainStreamMedia on her side.

  3. Pablo, mi amigo,
    You said, “… But I must be honest, because when I started to awaken just after 911, I watched a lot of Alex Jones documentaries and other stuff of him….”

    I also, and many others watched a lot of Alex Jones a decade ago. I attribute Alex Jones as one of the main drivers for the growth of the 9/11 Truth Movement back around 2006-2008.

    LANDMARK 9/11 Truth Event on C-Span
    American Scholars Symposium – “9/11 + The Neo-Con Agenda” – June 25 & 25, 2006 in Los Angeles. (The Loose Change guys at the end.)
    VIDEO at C-Span (I am surprised that it is still there.)

    William Rodriquez at the event

    Steven Jones at the event with his song.

    Charlie Sheen at the event

    pdf about the event

    Alex Jones released his film “Terrorstorm” at the event.
    The Loose Change guys also showed their film.

    In case C-Span deletes the video, an audience member filmed it.

    The summer of 2006 was alive with 9/11 Truth. Even in Dallas at the Lakewood theatre some 9/11 films were shown.
    911blogger shows some of the activity during that summer.

    It is all about the message.

    • Pablo,
      I agree. I personally, emphatically don’t care for Alex nor his demeanor.

      However, some of his guests (if Alex would stop interrupting them) and reporters occasionally have some great stuff. Important information.
      For me, the importance lies in the message.

      Alex helped Richard Gage circa early 2008 – (fun 3 minutes)
      Alex interviewed Willie Nelson who came out about 9/11 and Building 7.
      (Later, Alex tried to bully/ramrod/manipulate Willie into a joint Alex/Willie event, but Willie just ignored it. Alex’s blunderbuss promotion of the event finally deflated. Embarrassing.)
      Alex interviewed the Representative for the Farm Bureau which was trying to stop pending legislation… $175 Flatulence TAX per Dairy Cow

      And at times, Alex Jones has led some successful rallies.

      At this 2008 Dallas “End the Fed” rally, I passed out 6 or 8 signs which said “TV Lies” (pink or yellow) to participants. Then I and other 9/11 Group members gave out 9/11 DVDs to everyone we saw. A lot of “End the Fed” folks in 2008 did not know about 9/11.

      I have absolutely no interest in Alex Jones.
      I do have an interest in some of the messages and causes on his show/website.

  4. Do we have any real statistics of how many people in the truth moment actually fell for the Trump lie?

    I accept that there must be some, but how many?

    In terms of numbers of votes, Trump got less than Hilary didn’t he? And then of course we don’t really know the actual numbers because of voting machine fraud.

    Also, I don’t count Alex Jones. The most rational explanation for him is that
    he is a con man that would sell his own grandmother to make a buck. He is not the truth movement, however he is good at making a lot of noise to make himself appear to be a leader of some sort.

    • I’d say we can gauge how many people fell for it by looking at alt media people. Those guys (and gals) are supposed to know better.

      If MSM pushed it hard enough, Assad could become the next potus no questions asked.

    • My biggest shock on the Trump train was when I started watching a Stefan Molyneaux (sp?) video and could hardly believe what I was seeing. WTF!?!?!? Of course, when the election got near, I noticed he looked as crazy as a loon. Guess he is just left the land of the sane. Personally, I think it’s just a sign of how desperate people are to find someone (outside of themselves) they can believe in. Of course, that is the path to insanity. Oh well, such is life.

      • Just saw this reply and am going to go look it up now. To think I thought I was just going to chill today. 🙂

    • I think Cooper does as well. I only watched one of his videos, but in it he said the only way we could have come up with the computer chip was through alien intelligence, I turned him off. To deny that only alien intelligence could do such a thing is as crazy as those Ancient Alien nutjobs. We ARE capable of greatness, just as we are obviously capable of great stupidity.

      • I happen to believe human stupidity is of extraterrestrial origin. No way something as monumental could just come into existence.

  5. Off Topic, but it would be good to see Vinny Eastwood get onto Bitchute.

    I know he has been punished by Google more than most in the alternative media for exposing the Bankster ties of the NZ Prime Minister and similar things.

  6. I find it hard to believe you weren’t previously aware of fine Ryan’s work. Shame, shame, shame.

    • I too had never seen Ryan Dawson until this thread.
      I also must take the walk of shame.
      Walk of Shame

      …which was taken from “Game of Thrones”, this scene (which is censored, i.e. no nudity)

      …and for those who are unfamiliar with “Game of Thrones”…

      • You “good people of the town” lol

        I’m not certain how to categorize public shaming. Is it in line with freedom of speach? Since there is no implied incitement to violence, I guess it should be ok.

        Also, it’s strange how people react to “not watching game of thrones” similarly as to “not using facebook.”

        But but but EVERYBODY is on the bandwagon…

        Even though the show is not nearly as popular as the site in these parts. But in my experience those who watch the show make use of facebook as well.

    • Dear Pablo, I cherish the freedom of speech more then anything else abd I’d never employ censorship or argue for it or incite anyone into using it.

      The block user feature I discussed before is simply a user option which allows for some filtering it isn’t censorship to any extent. Even if it has its limitations.

  7. Can you provide a link to Ryan’s statements regarding Obama and the UN?

  8. And yet, one of his first acts as magical wizard was to drone strike kids in Yemen. Just like his cowardly psychopathic predecessor. And those same “rational” voters applaud his every move. Why? Because they are insane. Which is what you deserve when you give up your own authority.

    • I haven’t seen the studies, but I have seen Trump’s supporters. They all appear to be as capable of apologizing for Trump’s “mistakes” as Obama and Hillary (and all the rest) supporters. Once people have vested themselves psychologically into a candidate it is very difficult for them to admit they were wrong. It’s a normal human response.
      If you think about it, once you’ve put all your emotions into a choice; you will only see the results you want to see. These “rational” people are still emotional and flawed. Just as you and I are emotional and flawed. It’s part of being human. They may disagree with what he does, but that doesn’t mean they won’t defend his actions. This is why we hear so much about his opponents. CNN, Morning Joe, Deep State, these are his public opponents now. His supporters are given plenty of reasons to support his murderous intent. Humans are simply far too easy to manipulate over here in the land of the self-enslaved and cowardly. I’m only 57 and I can scarcely believe how far we have slid into crazy town. It’s truly amazing and horrifying. Thanks for your insight; though I didn’t truly address it’s finer points. Mostly because I agree with them. Cheers, Jim (from the incredibly insane state of Florida).

  9. I enjoyed some of his writings, this information is saddening. But lousy news is best consumed as early as possible.

  10. I’d have to put some time into reading that study (taking these for granted is kind of a cat in the bag thing) however…

    While I haven’t followed the Trump candidacy with much detail, what I did see of it was a show. Pretty much like the world of wrestling thing. My opinion is that people who supported Trump did so because they accepeted to play the game title of which is “someone put forth two candidates and I gotta choose the one that is leas sickening.”

    In my opinion that would have been Trump as well, however not because I believed anything he was saying, which was just a bunch of obvious lies, but because HRC is a female impersonation of the devil. Something one could prove easily.

    I have no doubt that people with certain mindsets were congregated and were more probable to vote Trump going by his “promises” but if we assume he was reading a script (and I’m willing to bet whole of my scrotum that he did) I don’t think that was the main driving factor toward making such a decision. Believing obvius lies does not excuse one from making bad decisions. After all, how can one make a decision if they don’t understand the choices?

    There are probably many features people who voted for Trump share, the most important in my opinion being they are not critical thinkers and are unaware of their surroundins. Granted, same could be said about the majority that voted HRC, but following that line of thought we go back to my inital premise.

  11. It’s mierda de toro.

    Mierda del toro would be the mierda of a specific bull.

    • Dear Pablo, anarchism in language is bound to cause confusion 🙂

  12. I just thought I’d post this little note in response to your statement concerning corporations. I personally have no beef with corporations. If they are large, it is because they are able to successfully market their goods and services. Once they start slipping in that regard, and fail to satisfy their customers, they get taken out of the picture.
    In fact, even though many are corrupt, it is my opinion that it is only because the state is corrupt that they are able to continue on. Without the state’s inherent corruption, the market (providing we have an intelligent consumer base)would otherwise take care of any corruption in the market. It is only because the state is willing to accept payment to initiate force and deception that the fraudulent corporations are able to stay in business. Just my two cents worth. By the way, good to see I’m not the only Tom Woods and Mises Institute fan! Greetings again from the insane state of Florida! Jim

    • I’ll raise you with a (bad paraphrase of a)quote by H. L. Menkin (sp?): The state is not necessary but it is evil. 🙂

    • Miderfroinder: you obviously have not lived through the destruction waged on a small town or county seat. The complete destruction of the diverse web of trade and social fabric by the likes of the giant Wal-Mart octopus. Carpet bombing (economically) an area the size of Dresden is comparable, physically, morally reprehencible to the fire bombs dropped there. Oh yeah I’m a capitalist but when you have to bury the 1000 stinking dead carcuses of 40 to 50 tax base entities while the one huge criminal fire bomber (parasite) sets tax free for 10yrs. you might rethink why or how this Natzy got into the city of Pleasentville USA. Do you get my point? It only takes a few bribes and commissions to destroy a way of capitolism that was diverse, vibrant and healthy. It works when men use power legitimately and its like burning Dresden when illegitimate power is let loose. For what its worth. Alvedersain Miderfroinder.

  13. Mind the slippery slope, Larry.

    • If ww3 goes live, mossad will be making decisive moves to make it happen. Ignoring a nuclear rogue state over a false west east paradigm is no laughing matter, you’re making a substantial mistake.

      I’d urge you to get a new compass Larry, you seem a bit lost.

      • Havn’t watched that one either, however given Trump’s background I dare asssume there’s a lot of his connections to bilderbergers et al.

        I’m not a fan of bilderberg meetings as is, doesn’t really pass the smell test. IMO too many people invest too much of their valuable resources following that which may be just a show for the masses.

      • Jason Bermas
        I really like him, as a person and as a long time activist.
        I had dinner with him once during the “Loose Change – Final Cut” theatre showing in Dallas. Even the Dallas County Sheriff came to watch the film (via some very clever marketing with sending out “FREE VIP PASSES” and nice letterhead to public officials).
        This scene opens with him talking to one of the co-authors of the published peer reviewed papers on the thermitic material found on 9/11.
        Eustace Mullins is also in the video.

      • So much wrong stuff about that video, dear Pablo.

        Saudi Arabia did 9/11? Can’t believe she did’t mention the 28 pages.

        Trump repealed Obamacare? What the hell do they think he’s gonna replace it with? What did he do about that ‘lock her up’ affair? Or the wall? Or the swamp?

        Bermas didn’t do a good job of establishing communication, he was just dishing it out. Tye first section of the video was greatly inaudible because of it. That Leigh woman did a better job of it, but these people should really dig in into these key subjects. As long as they are honest about their work.

    • Dear Pablo, I haven’t watched that video, but will later this evening.

      • Loose change remains my favorite 9/11 documentary. That he didn’t get any awards out of Hollywood (even though crappy movies easily win) says a lot about that crowd.

    • Pablo, that’s just old old stuff, it don’t matter no more, why do you keep mentioning it? Lets just burry it and pretend it never happened, ok? OK.

      Also, Kissinger just APPEARS to be heavilly involved with all of these aristocrats and selected people on left and right, west and east. Just as you and I would appear to be heavilly involved with them if we were to meet with them every day. Kissinger is history, so just drop it, ok? OK.

  14. I used to go to the infowars site years ago but left because it was so blatantly obvious that he had an agenda that was not what he claimed. Is he insane? Probably not, he just seems that way to people who are unfamiliar with Texans. They are a different breed. And no, I am not attacking Texans, they’re just a lot different from the rest of the states. However, he did employ a lot of tactics that an astute observer could easily catch. For one, they began censoring their comment sections (not from the trolls, just anyone with a question that they didn’t like). I also caught him on interviews with people who were not conducting themselves in a fear-mongering manner. They would go into breaks, and then the entire tone of the interview would change. He would rant on and on about how we were just sheep and allowing the government to walk all over us, yet he would follow that up with a plea for us to just do nothing. There were thousands of little things that could be attributed to bad journalism or mental illness. However, those are exactly the kinds of people the FBI was seeking to enroll in their programs. And we all know how AJ loved to brag about his connections in these government agencies. I think he is a combination of horrible journalism and dis=info. However, I think his dis-info isn’t the normal sort. He wants the crazies to go on to his comment section so the FBI can monitor them. That is probably the main way he sold out the people as near as I can tell. Of course it has been some ten years since I listened to him, so my memory is a bit vague on a lot of his stuff.

    • TEXANS
      Yep, you’re right. Native Texans are a different breed.
      (30 seconds)

      It has been said, as a stand-alone country, Texas would be the 10th largest economy in the world.
      In actuality, different parts of Texas have different genes. I lived in most parts. East Texas is more prejudice. West Texas is more Cowboy or Oil. For example, even up to the early 1960’s, Greenville, TX (an hour east of me) had a banner over Main Street which said: The Blackest Land – The Whitest People. (IMAGE)

      I live a few miles from Southfork Ranch of J.R. Ewing & “Dallas” TV show fame. (One minute)

      The trailer park across the road from Southfork is cut from the TV show.
      And speaking of trailer parks, to get a real taste of TEXAS wit, you got to check out Joe Bob Briggs. I insist.

      If I had my way in the school system, I would have kids watch episodes of “Rawhide”. I kid you not. Ethics, decency and Anarchist ways are taught in that show.

      • I lived in Texas for seven years. Dallas for six, and this little place called Trenton (pop. 297) for one. I loved visiting the Southfork Ranch! It was hilarious! I recommend it to everyone. I agree on Rawhide as well. Rowdy was a good start for an exceptional man. Two of my top three favorite westerns are his. The Outlaw Josey Wales and Unforgiven were amazing. Only topped by the remake of 3:10 to Yuma. Been a long time since I’ve watched Rawhide. Damn! Now I want to see if the DVD set is available.

        • – Trenton, TX – Yea, nice country!
          An ex-business partner of mine lives out in the boonies near there. I spent a few weeks visiting farms and ranches in Bell (NNW of there) selling aerial photos of their property (before the age of Google).

          Less than 10 miles due north of Trenton, they are building Elite Underground Doomsday Bunker Condomiums called “Trident Lakes”.

        • Why have I heard of Trenton? What’s so interesting about it to have it made through to the other end of the world?

        • Oh, there are 23 towns with that name in US alone lol

        • If you go to Whitewrite (just a few miles away) they had (in 2005 anyway) the absolutely best ribs in Texas. And yes, I know how serious Texans take their meat! lol No Food Lion’s in Texas!

    • I’ve heard him tell his audience to do nothing, right after complaining no one would stand up to the government. Why would he mention the FBI? Do you think he would be THAT stupid? I think he is more of a barometer and a gatekeeper. He also draws out the crazies. Same as that other hate-monger that got outed as a right-winger that was being paid by the FBI to do just that (as in drawing out the crazies). I forgot the guy’s name, but the last name was Savage, I believe. Yeah, he loves to talk about his “access” just like MSM reporters. Remember, if you have access, that means you are most likely being controlled by that access. And as far as useful info, so does Noam Chomsky.

      • Believe what you want. I know what I heard. You want to believe that chump, go ahead. I honestly don’t give a rat’s ass. And I am not talking about the person you mentioned, Turner. AJ loves his access, that alone makes him vulnerable. If you want to worship at his feet, go ahead. But don’t act like some crazy jeezus freak trying to convince me. I don’t like kool-aid.

    • I’ve seen excerpts of his show. You’re right, he’s different. He’s much worse. But his acting unhinged shouldn’t act as a deterrent. But like I said, I heard what I heard. If you can’t figure it out when you listen to him, I sure can’t convince you in a comment thread. Question authority means any authority. Everyone has an agenda, and while I don’t know what AJ’s agenda is, I do know I’m not on board with it. If you are, that’s fine; but I prefer critical thinking than having someone try and play my emotions. That always turns me off.

      • Larry,
        If that article has any truth, this is good news to me. Thanks.

        I am no fan of Presidential leaders nor government/global authority, but I certainly am a fan of peace and man’s humanity.

      • On a TRUMP related note and about the viral Pastor prayer “laying of hands on Trump” photo…

        From just a perspective of “Folks Who Are Awake” view, it is interesting to see this talk to the congregation. The Minister talks about the 6 Media Corporations, the globalists, the neocons, corrupt politicians, etc.

        (For my personal tastes, this type of venue/delivery of ideas is not my cup of tea. But it was interesting to see.)

      • Larry,
        Unfortunately, TRUMP has out-killed civilians over Obama.
        Things look grim for Peace and Humanity.

        Corbett mentions stats here…
        Rewind for other Trump War Monger News.

    • Larry, I’m ending this thread. Sorry, but I don’t think you’ll ever figure it out. You go ahead and support AJ and tiny hands; you keep on railing against the enemies they have given you to rail against. I don’t care. What I do care about is not wasting my time anymore just stating the obvious. AJ is BS and so is the Dump. I’m picky about what I eat. That you aren’t as picky isn’t my concern, you go ahead and chow down all you want.

  15. He does address these issues. Factions within the elements of the horror we call government. It’s embedded within all of his podcasts. And isn’t it amazing how grandiose the opposition has to be in order to get our saviors into office? I was born in 1960 and remember laughing as a kid when the teacher was panicking as we were told to practice cowering under our desks to save us from a nuclear explosion. We were way out in the boonies with no reason to directly hit us, though that didn’t enter my mind at that age. But even I knew that a freaking desk wasn’t going to make any difference. We kids all knew the teacher was panicking in a hilarious way. Laughter really is a powerful weapon.

    • QUOTE
      Laughter really is a powerful weapon.

    • You hear of Trump and his trade bills and stuff like that; but what do you hear of his banking reform laws? Nothing. These laws are what is truly crippling the economy. Naturally, putting Goldman Sachs types in office will do nothing. Freezing accounts for days will cripple small business, and nothing is ever mentioned about this (or numerous other crappy laws). Not to mention the story I just read on Activist Post where they are now telling us that we are going to have to submit to biometric scans if we want to exit the United Nazis. There is no real change. There won’t be any real change. Unless you count the poor being poorer and the few being richer. Oh yeah, it looks like DARE is coming back to our schools to make sure those last few kids get addicted to crazy ass drugs. The future’s so bright, I’ve gotta wear shades.

      • Checks greater than a certain amount (it was 10k, but now I believe it is 2k) have to be frozen for about ten days now. This is not for security, as that can be checked instantly. It is a free-ride for the banks as well, because that gives them free money for their over-night loans. What they’ve done to small businesses in the name of terror has caused far more damage than any terrorist group (outside of the state). HomeRemedySupply just recently got updated on all of it. So, he could give you a very comprehensive account of the stupidity of it all.

  16. Taxodus is a very interesting concept.

  17. James, I want to start by saying I voted for Jill and my thoughts on Trump involved one issue and that was normalization of relations with Russia (I think I told you this before). I didn’t concern myself with who he picked for various positions and only look at what he has accomplished on this issue alone. Despite massive pressure by the Deep State owned MSM, the CIA, FBI and NSA sabotage and oBOMBa sabotage he is plowing ahead with that promise. In the past week he has pulled CIA out of the Syria war, the Pentagon has finally acknowledged that they are in Syria illegally (which means they will have to leave when the war is over), a Cease-Fire Zone has been established in the SW of Syria near the border with Israel which caused Netanyahoo to have steam coming out of his ears. Then a member of the Russian Duma told him to cool it (this is the main benefit of normalization of relations with Russia because they can tell Netanyahoo to sit down and shut up). All of this means that Oded Yinon and 7 countries in 5 years is now down the tubes and therefore Zabig’s plan to control the Grand Chessboard also is down the tubes which also means the Globalists plan for the Brave New World Government is also down the tubes. In addition the Pentagon just released a study that says the US grip on world power is being loosened because of a MultiPolar reality of control of Eurasia by Russia, China and Iran all of whom have been great powers in Eurasia for thousands of years meaning regime change operations (which are all CIA covert ops) won’t happen in any of these countries. Several weeks or so prior to all of this Zabig and Rockefeller died (soon to be followed by McCain due to aggressive brain cancer which spreads tentacles through out the brain; how about that for justice!).
    Organizations of all kinds are factionalized and that includes the Freemasons. Trump’s faction is tired of having American GIs used by the Anglozionists to fight and die in their wars and sacrificing America for the Empire. The people who voted for Trump want their country back and don’t want their sons, daughters, fathers and mothers to continue to be maimed and killed for Empire. You and Vinny (who I had not heard of prior to this interview) are not Americans and may not have the same understanding of this concept but that is what I see. Trump has moved forward on normalization with Russia despite overwhelming opposition and this appears to be unstoppable now.
    He has had other side benefits that he promised like killing the Paris Accord, killing the TTP, TTIP, ending the political future of the Clintons and Jeb Bush, smashing up the Gulf monarchy alliance and shaking up the EU. Webster Tarpley called him the ‘Trump wrecking ball’ ( back during the primaries and he has wrecked the Democrat party and the Republican party as well. So he has wrecked a lot of things wanted by the Globalists and he doesn’t hate the Russians like they do.

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