Episode 021 – Investigate 11/22

by | Nov 25, 2007 | Episodes, Podcasts | 0 comments

Running Time: 48:15

Description:Did you know that CIA assassin E. Howard Hunt recently recorded a deathbed confession revealing that he took part in the JFK assassination? You wouldn’t if you watched the controlled corporate media.


Documentation – Kennedy assassination and Walter Cronkite’s coverage
Time Reference: 02:43
Description: Walter Cronkite reports the death of JFK.
Link To: YouTube
Documentation – CBS Poll: JFK conspiracy lives
Time Reference: 03:32
Description: 76% of Americans believe Oswald did not act alone. Only 19% believe we will ever know the truth.
Link To: CBS News
Documentation – JFK murder plot confession aired on national radio
Time Reference: 04:57
Description: An online article about the world premiere of E. Howard Hunt’s deathbed confession Coast to Coast Live.
Link To: PrisonPlanet.com
Documentation – E. Howard Hunt
Time Reference: 05:31
Description: For general information about E. Howard Hunt, use Wikipedia as a starting point for your own research.
Link To: Wikipedia
Documentation – Three tramps
Time Reference: 06:42
Description: Information on the three tramps arrested in Dealey Plaza, including photographs.
Link To: 666ismoney.com
Documentation – E. Howard Hunt confession
Time Reference: 08:22
Description: The actual audio of Hunt’s deathbed confession of his role in the JFK assassination.
Link To: YouTube.com
Documentation – The Last Confession of E. Howard Hunt
Time Reference: 13:19
Description: Rolling Stone article about the Hunt confession.
Link To: Infowars
Documentation – Bill O’Reilly reports on Oswald and the CIA
Time Reference: 14:30
Description: …before he sold his soul to the corporate media beast.
Link To: YouTube
Documentation – Ford knew of CIA coverup in JFK assassination
Time Reference: 18:39
Description: A posthumously published book by Gerald Ford reveals that the former president knew the CIA destoryed key information related to the JFK assassination.
Link To: Raw Story
Documentation – JFK II
Time Reference: 19:43
Description: Archived version of the JFKII documentary.
Link To: archive.org
Documentation – Humble Skeptic
Time Reference: 38:50
Description: Bruce Willis says JFK’s murderers still at large.
Link To: New York Post
Documentation – April 27, 1961 JFK speech
Time Reference: 41:12
Description: A speech JFK gave before the American Newspaper Publishers Association at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York.
Link To: YouTube


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