Corbett Report Radio 103 – Overcoming Fear with Marc Ressl

by | Apr 4, 2012 | Radio

Tornados and typhoons, terrorists and false flags, the police state and World War III; there are no shortage of things to be afraid of in this world and we are being bombarded with them on a daily basis in the media we consume. But does giving in to the fear play into the system of control, and if so how can we escape it?  Tonight we are joined by Marc Ressl, a professor of signals processing in Argentina, to talk about the fears that trap so many in a paralytic state of inaction, and how to overcome them.

Works Cited:

Japan’s Strongest Storm Since 1959 Slams Into Tokyo Region

Well, that didn’t take long to run the “climate is severe weather” scare story

Online graphic warns of al-Qaida return to NYC

We Love You – Iran & Israel



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