Have you noticed how over-the-top ridiculous the mainstream propaganda is getting during this (s)election cycle? Of course you have. And so have most of your mainstream-believing friends and co-workers. So why is the MSM pushing this in the public's face? Is there an...
Results for "mainstream media"
Interview 1913 – The Future of Decentralized Media on Collapse Life
by Corbett | Nov 20, 2024 | Interviews
via CollapseLife: "In this week’s episode of the Collapse Life podcast, Corbett joins host Zahra Sethna to explore the challenges and future of independent journalism. With mainstream media trust at an all-time low and censorship on the rise, Corbett shares insights...
Interview 1780 – Media and Terror on Truth Over Comfort
by Corbett | Jan 19, 2023 | Interviews, Videos
via TruthOverComfort.co.uk: In todays video, I conducted an interview with James Corbett, about the Media, his recent video "The Media Are The Terrorists" and the Werther effect (copy cat effect ). We discuss the reasons why the media are seemingly incapable of...
Online Media: The Promise and the Peril
by Corbett | Oct 24, 2021 | Newsletter
In preparation for my upcoming course on The History of the Media, The Corbett Report Subscriber is presenting a three-part series on the past, present and future of mass media. In the first edition I examined How the First Media Moguls Shaped History. Last week I...
Sunstein Won: Cognitive Infiltration of the “Alternative” Media
by Corbett | Sep 13, 2021 | Newsletter
Question: How do you spot a fed? This is not an idle question. As dedicated devotees of the independent media and serious students of history will know all too well, wherever you find a group that seriously challenges the power of the state—or, more to the point, the...
Media Mergers, Palestine Strike, Vaccine Liability – New World Next Week
by Corbett | May 26, 2021 | Videos
Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee / YouTube This week on the New World Next Week: the media consolidation continues with new merger talks; Palestinians unite against Israel as the apartheid issue goes mainstream; and OSHA says employers will be responsible...
Interview 1348 – The Last American Vagabond on Social (Media) Engineering
by Corbett | Mar 1, 2018 | Interviews
via The Last American Vagabond: Conditioning, propaganda, manufactured consent, the psyop and the false flag, as well as many other terms, all relate to a subject that many are afraid to think about, or in many cases, unable to think about. It opens the mind up to the...
How the CIA Plants News Stories in the Media
by Corbett | Mar 22, 2017 | Videos
[NOTE: This video was produced for BoilingFrogsPost.com on September 30, 2011. It is being made available in its entirety here for the first time.] James Corbett BoilingFrogsPost.com 30 September, 2011 A recent article in Wired has once again brought attention to the...