Results for "freedom cells"

Freedom Cells 2.0 – #SolutionsWatch

Freedom Cells 2.0 – #SolutionsWatch

Frequent Corbett Report guest Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance joins us once again to discuss the newly revised and updated website. We also talk about updates to Translate the Truth , the next installment of The Pyramid of Power series,...

Solutions: Freedom Cells

Watch this video on Odysee / YouTube Derrick Broze of joins us once again to continue our conversation on agorism and counter-economic activity. Today we discuss Freedom Cells, an idea for self-organized peer to peer groups that assert...

How to Control Your Soul’s Desire for Freedom

Thank you, comrade! Thank you for doing what's right. Thank you for doing what you know you should do. Thank you for doing what we tell you to do. After all, we couldn't defeat the deadly and oh-so-real threat of the vile Omicron scariant without your dutiful...

Dear Government, Deliver Us From Freedom

by James Corbett August 10, 2016 Freedom. Terrible, terrible freedom. It's almost like people are naturally inclined to seek it out. And if you're not careful, it can pop up anywhere. Take this "Peer-to-peer economy" that the plebs are...

Solutions: The Counter-economic Underground Railroad

Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube Derrick Broze of joins us today to provide an update on the counter-economic underground railroad which we discussed last year. The first group has crossed the border and more people than...


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