Results for "Average temperature"

What Is The Average Global Temperature?

Watch this video on BitChute / Odysee / Rumble / Rokfin / AltCensored / Download the mp4 The average global temperature is...impossible to measure and harder to calculate than you might think. While GISS and RSS and UAH and GHCN might be a confusing jumble of letters...

Context Is Everything

Context Is Everything

I often get asked about an image I've had cause to include in several of my articles over the years. It depicts a television camera capturing a knife attack in such a way as to completely flip the reality of who is attacking and who is being attacked. In case you...

Welcome to the New Economy

We are plunging headlong into the greatest economic transition in history. We don't have to speculate about that, either. Back in 2015, Christina Figueres—then the UN's top climate change official—straight up told us that this was the end goal of the Great Resetters...

How To Protest (Extinction Rebellion Style!)

So you've decided to get off your butt and save the planet. About time! So, what was it that put you over the edge? Was it the impassioned plea to "Act Now" because "Our House is Flooding!" Or was it the finger-wagging "How dare you?" of everyone's favorite...

The Climate Hoax Tipping Point

If the blathering blowhards of the dinosaur media and the Chicken Littles of the Twitterverse are to be believed, the world has officially come to an end. And in a way, maybe it has. Not "the" world, of course, but their world. That's because, as you will no doubt...


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